Monday, January 25, 2016

Flowers on your butt? Why?!

Ok now to be my normal self.  Today a very pretty woman was wearing flowered yoga pants and a matching jacket. ...and no she wasn't over sixty. ..she was probably in her late twenties.  She had a nice figure but come on.....women of the world: stop wearing flowers on your's bad enough that leggings are now yoga pants and they are acceptable as pants (not to me), no one wants to see your cellulite jiggle especially in flower- patterned leggings!

Women stand up and be classy. ..please. ..we have a younger generation watching our every a Jackie O. Not a Courtney Love!

That is all!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Are you seriously out in public, wearing that?

I just need to say once again, pajamas are for you at home. Not at the store, not at the doctors office. If you are a three hundred pound woman, please do not wear fuzzy pajama bottoms out in public! The general public already has negative thoughts on obesity and people like you are why!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Family is fickle

Sometimes I think you get to a point in your life when you decide, "either you're for me or you're against me", unfortunately making these decisions suck.

I've always felt that my family and friends always had my back, that no matter what they would be there for me. HA! Well, go thru a divorce, they split like the red sea!

I don't know what to say to the family and friends that want to console me, stop it, I made the choice, you know I did, congratulate me, don't feel bad for me, I wanted a fresh start, and all new beginning, don't feel sorry for me. I'm going to be happy.

I understand that most friends and family don't know what goes on behind closed doors, and ending a long marriage, seems crazy, please just shut up, be there for me, or get out of my way, I don't have time for pity parties.

Divorce is sad, and frustrating and there are a lot of emotions involved, me having to deal with yours on top of all of mine, no thank you.

I have not realized how much I have missed out on, when it comes to being me, the real me. I have a beautiful daughter that came out of my marriage, she is the best thing to ever happen to me.

We are going to be alright. Don't pick a side, just be there. And keep your thoughts to yourself.

Your parents who are now grandparents...Oy Vey!!!

I know what happened to my body when I gave birth to my daughter, I was there. My life changed dramatically. But what the heck happened to my parents!!!!

My mother who I thought was the wicked witch, is now a sweet loving grandma, or as my daughter calls her "Ga-Ga".  I don't know what happened to this woman, or her house for that matter.

When I was growing up, toys are to be kept in your room, and they'd better have been nice & neat, or she came in there with a garbage bag and thru your crap out! daughter has toys and junk in every square inch of the house, and my mother doesn't say a word, they just walk around them!

Sweets, candy, cookies, ice cream....those were special treats or for your birthday when I was a kid.  You wanted a snack, well here's a carrot for ya!  Now the drawers and cabinets are stocked full of goodies, and my daughter can have them whenever she wants, 5 minutes before dinner, sure go ahead, have 2 cookies!  WHAT THE HECK!

And my dad, he's a whole other story, here is a 60 year old man and gets down on his hands and knees and crawls around with my daughter around the kitchen table. 20 years ago, this man barely made it to the couch to pass out after work!  I have no idea what happened to him either.

Here is what I know, I know that when I was little my grandparents all spoiled the heck out of me, and now my daughter is getting spoiled. I hope she has the great memories of her grandparents that I do of mine.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

What year is it?! 2013 not 1950 right?!

Today a jury found Zimmerman not guilty of killing Trayvon Martin. I am upset by the verdict, but I'm more upset that everyone is throwing out the race card! This is about murder, not race. Zimmerman knew the law in Florida well enough to get away with murder! This law is really wrong. Someone's son died and was murdered, we aren't out looking for the suspect, we just let him go free because of these loop holes in these laws. 

Please everyone stop throwing race into it, I really don't feel that had anything to do with the verdict. Maybe Zimmerman has a personal prejudice that's why he profiled that young man, but in the end it's the law that is unjust!

And that's all I have to say about that.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

So you're looking for a job....wearing that?!

So today I am at a career workshop orientation, today was the first day to register so that this organization can help you find a new job. In the front row of the class is this woman that looked like she rolled out of bed, sweatpants, tee shirt...really!  I wouldn't hire you ever! Unfortunately the old saying is true, first impressions are what counts.

I have been hiring people for a very long time, this seems to be a normal practice regardless of age.

1. Please dress professionally, if you have nothing but a pair of khaki pants that's ok. 

2. Brush your damn hair & teeth. You should not look like you rolled out of bed and came in to apply.

3. Do not bring your whole family to get an application anywhere. I can tell you on one of the two jobs I've had in the past ten years, I got interviewed & hired on the spot!

4. Take the application home or out of the facility, don't ask to borrow my pen, something to write on, or a prepared.

5. Do yourself a favor and learn to print clearly, if I can't read your phone number clearly how can I call you back.

6. Last but not least, have someone else double check you before you leave the house. Look your best, be confident.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Getting fat because of television

I am highly addicted to food. And food shows. I just discovered a show on the H2 (history channel 2). It's called "all you can eat" hosted by John Pinette, a comedian I love, that has a lot of "fat humor". New favorite show = yes!

I love "Restaurant Impossible" too, not nearly as good as "Kitchen nightmares" with Gordon Ramsey but still interesting. It amazes me that so many people start restaurants without prior knowledge of the industry. That would be like me running a bakery because I like to eat cakes. Unless it says Betty Crocker on the box I'm not making it! 

Oooohhh I love "diners, drive-ins and dives"! Love seeing how different the same foods can be made and all the different recipes people use that were brought down through generations of their families!

Are there food shows I don't like? sounds impossible, but any type of cooking competition shows, those are not for me. I love to eat, cooking is ok, but I married a chef ;)